Raise a Glass at Cloud Beauty

Glass of Champagne with your Nail Appointment
Now Serving One or Two Glasses at your Appointment! www.facebook.com/CloudBeautySalons
Cloud Beauty Uppermill is now fully Licensed, so we can serve you Prosecco, Sangria in the Summer, Baileys at Christmas 🥂 & Anything in between
You can let us know beforehand or ask us the day of your Appointment if you want a Glass or not 🥂☁️
See Terms & Conditions below for details

Price List

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Serving Alcohol at Cloud Beauty Uppermill:

1. All clients who wish to consume alcohol must be over the legal drinking age of 18. Cloud Beauty Uppermill reserves the right to request valid identification to confirm the client’s age.
2. Cloud Beauty Uppermill reserves the right to refuse service of alcohol to any client who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
3. Alcoholic beverages will only be served during the licensed hours of operation.
4. Clients may only purchase alcohol for consumption on the premises. It is prohibited to remove alcoholic beverages from the premises.
5. Cloud Beauty Uppermill reserves the right to modify or terminate the sale of alcoholic beverages at any time, for any reason.
6. Clients are not permitted to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the premises.
7. The consumption of alcohol must be done responsibly, and Cloud Beauty Uppermill reserves the right to limit or refuse service to any client who appears to be causing a disturbance or behaving inappropriately.
8. Cloud Beauty Uppermill will not be held liable for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the consumption of alcohol on the premises.
9. Clients who violate any of these terms and conditions will be asked to leave the premises immediately and may be banned from future entry to Cloud Beauty Uppermill.
10. By purchasing and consuming alcohol at Cloud Beauty Uppermill, clients agree to these terms and conditions.